Episode 9

Published on:

11th Jul 2017

Episode 9 - Building Babel

We live in tension. We wake up and breathe the air tension every day and the question most of us will ask is, “what do we do in the tension?” Can we fix it? Make it better? Resolve it? These are questions we’ve been asking for all of human history. Questions that have driven our most significant culture projects. Our institutions, governments, and inventions begins with the recognition that, “all is not right” in the world but while at the same time innately believing that it can be better. But what happens when we overestimate our ability to fix the tension?
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About the Podcast

The Peoples Theology
A podcast exploring culture and theology like they matter.
The Peoples Theology is produced by the Missio Dei Community in Salt Lake City. In each episode we explore topics, themes, and issues related to culture and theology like they matter because they do.

About your host

Profile picture for Jonny Morrison

Jonny Morrison

I couldn't touch what I tried to tell you just now, I only stammered.